Your generous donation will help make Lyric Opera of Orange County’s mission of creating and sharing intimate musical experiences a success. With your help, we will be able to champion local performers and artists by fostering their unique abilities and showcasing their talents in our community.

Donor Benefits
Legacy ($5,000+)
- Recognition on our website and in opera programs
- Priority for purchases of season tickets and premium seating
- Invitation to dress rehearsals and special events
- Invitation to annual board dinner with performances by emerging artists
- 20% off all tickets, arranged through personal concierge
- Invitation to at least one post-performance reception with artists
- Two free tickets to one night of each opera
Director ($2,500+)
- Recognition on our website and in opera programs
- Priority for purchases of season tickets and premium seating
- Invitation to dress rehearsals and special events
- Invitation to annual board dinner with performances by emerging artists
Patron ($1,000+)
- Recognition on our website and in opera programs
- Priority for purchases of season tickets and premium seating
- Invitation to select dress rehearsals and other special events
Member ($500+)
- Recognition on our website
- Priority for purchases of season tickets and premium seating
Supporter ($100+)
- Recognition on our website
Volunteer with us!
Our productions would not be a success without the incredible donations of time and talent from our supporters. If you are interested in volunteering with LOOC as an usher, greeter, or stagehand at an upcoming performance please contact us.